Capital City Kings

Capital City Kings
Team Manager: Bill Creighton
Phone: 518-248-7395
Mobile: 518-248-7395
Team Coach: Nick Schaub
Phone: 518-588-1389
Mobile: 518-588-1389
Additional Contact Name: Billy Creighton
Phone: 518-894-6742

Team Schedule

CAPITAL CITY KINGS Co-Managers- Bill Creighton/Billy Creighton Asat. Coaches: Nick Schaub/ Sean Geisel.  Returning this year to the Kings lineup are veteran players  Bill Creighton Jr, Nick Schaub, Bryan Wilgocki, Justin Sportman, Ted Cillis and Sean Geisel.    Also back for another season is Pat Henning, Brett Sarnowski and Ryan O'Keefe.   This years roster includes two new catchers Derek Haughey and Addision Schaub.  Also joining the Kings this season in the infield is Kyle Ruth, Sonny D'Antonio, Nike Lemire and Mike Murray.  Outifelders new to the team are Sam Law. Isaiah Tucker, and Chris Taranto.   Capital City pitching staff includes returning starter Quinn McDonald  along with an array of new faces.  Among them are Pryce Wasula, Tyrell Irvis, Sean Crowley, Jake  LaFountain, and Jake Popeil